Capture for Fashion
Capture's products ensure the authenticity and traceability of AI-generated content, offering solutions that guarantee data protection and transparency. Helping to fuel the expansion of AI with safety and confidence.

Discover the provenance of generative AI works
Authenticate AI content
Authenticate AI-generated content, establishing unique digital certificates for each item and distinguishing AI-generated content from human creations.
Transparency and traceability
Create a traceable and transparent environment for your AI operations. Capture's provenance capabilities provide an open-source solution to track and validate every piece of data, boosting stakeholder trust.
Copyright protection
Protect your AI-engineered products and services & ensure the IP of your AI-generated content, preventing unauthorized use and profiting.
AI Meets Blockchain: Charting the Future of Digital Transparency

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Security & Compliance
Capture solution prioritizes your security and compliance needs and is certified by ISO 27001 security standards. Compliant with C2PA and EIP-7053 standards, Capture is also built on the blockchain with net-zero emissions, offering you a secure, trustworthy, and eco-friendly solution for your operations.